Risk Management Consulting LLC

RMC Services at a Glance
Card Issuers
About RMC

Welcome to our web site.

Let us introduce our business and highlight important management consulting services we offer our clients.

Risk Management Consulting LLC provides operations and risk management consulting services exclusively to the payment card and lending industries.

We have been providing both advisory services and implementation assistance to our clients since 1991.

We believe that Risk Management Consulting is the only consulting firm that focuses solely on risk management and operations for payment cards and lending.

Our clients include card issuers, business and student lenders, merchant acquiring businesses, card accepting merchants and e-commerce enterprises.

In the past 25 years, we have performed over 600 consulting projects for more than 200 payment card and lending operations in the U.S., Canada, Western and Central Europe, Asia Pacific, Central Asia, Australia, Africa and Latin America.

We invite you to learn more about our firm and the professional services we offer by clicking on the links below.

Card Issuer Services

Services for Acquirers

For more information please call us at (415) 378-1945
Risk Management Consulting LLC * 50 Vista del Sol *Mill Valley  * California * 94941
© 1997-2016 Risk Management Consulting LLC